TITLE: Dr A's Habits of Health: The Path to Permanent Weight Control, Optimal Health, and Wellbeing
AUTHOR: Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen
EDITION: 2nd Edition
GENRE: Health, Nonfiction, Nutrition, Self Help, Medical
Go from surviving to thriving! If you've ever tried to lose weight only to gain it back, Dr. A's Habits of Health offers a life-changing breakthrough that shows you not only how to reach and maintain your healthy weight, but how to create a life of renewed vibrancy, health, and spiritall under the easy-to-follow guidance of one of Americas most esteemed and compassionate practitioners of weight loss and optimal health. Join thousands of people worldwide who've gone from discouragement to confidence, from depletion to unimaginable vitalityand discover how you can live better, happier, and healthier into your eighties, nineties, and beyond.
One of the nation's foremost physicians in nutritional intervention, Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen has devoted his career to forging new territory in the realm of creating optimal health through a comprehensive approach that addresses and breaks through logistical and psychological barriers. As the nation's tenth boardcertified physician in critical care, he helped pioneer the emerging subspecialty of intensive care medicine,
serving as director of critical care at Grandview Medical Center. Now co-founder of Take Shape for LifeTM and
executive director of the Health Institute, a training and certification organization in the emerging field of health coaching, he also serves as medical director of Medifast® and as a reviewer for Criticalare Medicine Journal in the area of nutrition.
Dr. A's Habits of Health may be one of the most important books you will ever read. Dr. Andersen isnt going to give you a pep talk or a gloom-and-doom tirade. Instead, hell show you how to design an overall strategy to accomplish one of the most important goals you will ever have: optimal health. So prepare yourself to transform your life, learn profound life-changing lessons, and reach a higher state of health than you ever thought possible!
- Robert Fritz, international best-selling author of The Path of Least Resistance
ISBN: 9780981914640
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